Saturday, June 28, 2008

How the Rich Get Thin

In How the Riche Get Thin, Jana Klauer, a research fellow at St. Luke's–Roosevelt Hospital who has a practice on Park Avenue, argues that the rich are thin because they exercise, are motivated to keep fit, and eat well.

Klauer, whose clientele is composed of successful businesspeople, socialites and celebrities, argues that to lose weight, we should learn to exercise daily, eliminate processed foods and make sure that we get adequate daily dose of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium.

While Klauer's advice is aimed at the rich and famous, (not everyone can afford a personal trainer), she has many useful suggestions that many of us will be able to take advantage of.

1. Eat less of better quality food.
2. Take time to get exercise.
3. Consume your daily recommended dose of calcium: it will reduce food cravings
4. Eat lean protein: it will also help curb your appetite

In an interview with Newsweek, Klauer stated boldly
...just because you're poor doesn't mean you have to be fat. You just have to make the right choices. I know it's easier to rely on convenience foods. But fresh vegetables aren't expensive. You can buy less-expensive cuts of meat and cook it longer with fresh herbs.

This is so, so true! I wish more people could know this. When I was in University (2000-2004) I spent 80 dollars on groceries a month. Seriously. I bought fresh fruit, vegetables, and tofu at the farmers market (that was pretty much the only place I shopped).