Monday, August 11, 2008

The Diet is Working

Well, I lost two pounds yesterday, although I tinkered with the diet somewhat.

Here's my new rules:
1. Instead of skipping breakfast, as Lewis suggests, I'm eating a normal breakfast (I eat breakfast with my hubby and I don't want to look obsessive!).
2. I eat 5 bites at lunch and dinner, not including negative calorie/low calorie foods like vegetables.
3. As for the bites, I eyeball it. I take extremeley small bites and I would starve to death if I only had five bites at lunch and dinner.
4. Lewis says you can have all the "diet" beverages you want. I am letting myself have all the beverages I want, within reason. I don't drink soda, but I have juice with breakfast and I'm not cutting that out.

After counting up what I ate yesterday, it added up to 1200 calories. A perfectly reasonable diet! I always take a multi vitamin anyway, so I'm sticking to that aspect of his diet.

Overall, I would say this is a great diet and I plan on sticking with it, though I wouldn't follow his guidelines to the letter.

1 comment:

John4703 said...

Fascinating diet and good for you sticking to it. I found you as we are both vegans and so many diets are difficult to follow without eating animal stuff. I cycle and walk a lot and try to keep slim that way
